V for Vendetta Questions

What is the significance of the 5th of November?
It is the date that Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament, London, in 1605. V then blows up Old Bailey on the same day.

What does the quote 'People shouldn't be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people', mean?
Governments should work for the good of the people, to help them, and if they are corrupt or otherwise then they should "fear" the people as they people should have the power to overthrow them. 

What are the main themes of the story?
Freedom & anarchy, bigotry, revenge, are themes that are explored. Many symbols are also used, such as V/5...

How does Evey transform during her imprisonment? Be specific with regards to why this happens.
How does McTeigue visually represent this transformation?
Evey loses her fear, as she begins to realise that she would rather protect her ideals than her physical body. Through the torture, she sees that one must "remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail." Her torture 'cleanses' her, removing her make up and well done hair, stripping her back to her core values. 
She is shown standing in the rain, exposed to the world and its elements, and reborn again with her hands in the air as a woman ready to put change into the world, not let the world change her. 

How does V create rebellion? Be specific.
Firstly, he creates instability within the society by taking out key figures. This causes the general public to loose trust in the government, they become fearful and confused, and look for a new leader to turn to. V ensures that this is him, feeding the people information and presenting himself as the one to trust and follow. He unites the people, and gives them hope. 

What are the weapons of his rebellion? Be specific.
The people, and ideas. Each that wears a mask, does not become V, but embodies all that he stands for and his ideals.

How does the end of film represent transformation? How have characters and society changed?
From the initially harsh explosions come fireworks, a show of celebration, connected to events such as New Years, suggesting a new beginning for England. The masses now no longer look at screens that deliver the never ending drone of the government, as the lounges, the pubs, the community centres are vacant, as the people look to the sky at V's work, but really it is all of theirs to share.

How does the film use symbol to create meaning?
Symbol is used powerfully, to show many things. The mask is referenced to Guy Fawkes and identifies the wearer to an 'ally' of Fawkes. It takes away their individual identity, and makes them a deliverer of the idea.
Valerie's letter symbolises the power of words, and McTeigue shows what powerful influence they have over Evey.
Lady Justice is a powerful symbol, as it represents different things to different people. She is the personification of justice and all it stands for, to both the modern society and the public of England in the film. Yet to V, and later Evey, the sight of her upon the Old Bailey shows the weakness and corruption that is present in the Norsefire government. 
The circle with a V through it is used to show defiance of the governing body, and unite resistors. It has clear visual links to the symbol of anarchy that is used across the world, an A upon a circle.

The masks are given out, used by anyone and everyone.
Each domino is a symbol of a rebelious person, that he arranges to form his symbol of V. No longer is he one man, he is many, and together they are V.


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